Sunday 9 June 2013


THIS circuit is used to control brightness of mains lights and the speed of AC motors. It
uses a triac, diac and has a radio-frequency interference
(RFI) noise suppression circuit built into it as well.

Caution: this Kit connects directly to mains power supply.
You must know what you are doing as mains voltages can
be lethal. The board must be put in a suitable enclosed box
before using.

The kit is constructed on a single-sided printed circuit
board (PCB). Protel Autotrax and Schematic were used to
design the board.


It is generally best to add the lowest height components to
the board first; the resistors. Make sure to get the triac in
the correct way - the metal back of the triac goes in
above the bar marked on the overlay. The diac looks like
a glass diode but it has a mark around the centre, not at
one end. The choke (wire wound ferrite coil) can be
soldered in either way around.


This is a standard text-book circuit. A triac may be
considered as two SCR's (Silicon Controlled Rectifiers
connected in opposite directions. A diac is a gate trigger
device. Triacs, diacs & SCR's are different types of
A triac is a 3 terminal ac semiconductor switch which is
triggered ON when a low energy signal is applied to its
Gate. Switching is fast. The low energy of switching
means that a wide range of low cost control circuits can
be used, for example, optically coupled switches. Since
the triac is bilateral (2 SCR's connected in opposite
directions) the terms anode and cathode have no meaning.
So the terms Main Terminal 1 and 2 (MT1, MT2) are
used. It is standard to use MT1 as a reference
The circuit here controls the average power to a load
through the triac by phase control. The ac supply is
applied to the load for only a controlled fraction of each
cycle. The triac is held in an OFF condition for a portion
of its cycle then is triggered ON at a time determined by
the circuit. The main problem with this circuit is radio
frequency interference (RFI.)
RFI. Each time the triac is turned on the load current
changes very quickly - a few micro seconds - from zero to
a value determined by the lamp resistance and the value
of the mains voltage at that instant in time. This transition
generates RFI. It is greatest when the triac is triggered at
90o and least when it is triggered at close to zero or 180o
of the mains AC waveform.
Since there may be long lengths of mains wire between
the triac and the lamp load which will radiate this RFI an
L-C RFI suppression network is usually built into these
types of circuits. You may detect this RFI by bringing an
FM radio close to the dimmer circuit. Short out the choke
coil and notice that the RFI increases. The wire-wound
coil and C1 provide the RFI suppression network.


Poor soldering is the most likely reason that the circuit
does not work. Check all solder joints carefully under a
good light. Next check that all components are in their
correct position on the PCB.


 In this circuit, the traic uses the property of phase control and thus controls the average

power supplied to a load. The ac power is supplied to the load for only a controlled time

frame of each AC cycle.

 Triac is actually a three terminal device, which is triggered on when a positive or negative

current passes through its gate terminal. The triac remains in an OFF condition for a portion

of AC cycle  then is turned ON (triggered on by diac) for a time period determined by

the circuit. The triac turns on when the diac starts conduction. The diac is turned on when the

voltage reaches the break over voltage i.e. VBO. Diode then starts conduction and allows

current toward the gate of triac. When the voltage changes to below VBO the diac is off, so it

turns off the triac too. Diac mostly operates at low voltages, its VBO is usually around 30 V.

                       There is also a problem with this circuit, which is Radio Frequency

Interference or RFI. This RFI generates in a way that when the triac is turned on, each time

in a cycle, the current to the load changes very quickly i.e. in a few microseconds it goes

from zero to a certain value determined by the resistance of load and the mains line voltage at

that time. This sudden change causes RFI to generate.

This interference is highest when the traic triggers at 90o of the AC wave, and is lowest when

it triggers at 0o or 180o of the AC wave cycle.

This RFI factor can be neglected if there are long lengths of wires between triac and the load